
From us, you can rent or buy HD Visualiser Avervision F50-8M. We rent out products for long or short term rentals. The price depends on the rental length. We therefore ask you to contact us to get a quotation for the HD Visualiser Avervision F50-8M. Contact our sales department for more information.

HD Visualiser Avervision F50-8M

Document camera from AVer, F50-8M 8MP Portable Document Camera provides up to 60fps full HD video and has both HDMI and RGB interfaces. The camera's HDMI output is designed for the ability to connect to an interactive whiteboard, projector, or monitor. The F50-8M has a 10x optical lens with a 20x digital zoom function for a total of 200x zoom area, allowing your audience to get close-ups of your subject.