
From us, you can rent or buy Yamaha R Mio 64 - D | Dante to Madi interface. We rent out products for long or short term rentals. The price depends on the rental length. We therefore ask you to contact us to get a quotation for the Yamaha R Mio 64 - D | Dante to Madi interface. Contact our sales department for more information.

Yamaha R Mio 64 - D | Dante to Madi interface

The ideal audio interface should be essentially unnoticed. That principle is consistent with Yamaha's philosophy of absolute fidelity to the original sound. The sound must not be changed during format conversion in the digital domain and no additional noise can be tolerated. Performance should also not be overly dependent on user competence or skill. It should be easy to connect devices over convenient distances and flexibly solve problems. RMio64-D Dante/MADI conversion I/O racket is here. It supports a wide range of broadcast and live audio programs with extraordinary flexibility and without getting in the way.